Before submitting an Insertion Order for a paid media campaign make sure you have the following information, as these will be required:
Campaign goals and KPAs
Campaign name
Target audience
Desired advertising channel(s)
Campaign dates
Creative assets
Landing page
Approval (Y/N)
Campaign Goals and Their Associated Key Performance Actions (KPAs)
Each campaign has a specific set of goals whether it be purchases, ROAS, form fills, phone calls, etc. It’s important we’re on the exact same page with the client so we’re prioritizing what’s most important to their campaign.
It’s also important to quantify these goals. Purchases are a great goal, but how many are they looking to get and at what budget?
Important: The associated KPAs are the most important actions a user takes to carry out goals. There can be more than one KPA, but these should be numbered in order of importance on the Insertion Order. These will be confirmed on the Kickoff Call. In this example, you may fill out the IO as follows:
Campaign Goal
50 purchases at the current media budget of $15,000
Key Performance Actions
KPA 1: Purchase - purchase completion
KPA 2: Checkout Initiation - Checkout or shopping cart button click
KPA 3: Add to Cart - add to cart button click
Campaign Name
The campaign name chosen here is what Conduit will utilize in all of our naming conventions. This should clearly reflect the campaign that is onboarding. For example, if onboarding a car dealership looking to run a campaign selling new inventory, you may title the campaign ‘New Car Sales’.
Target Audience
Let us know the desired demographic for this campaign. What audience typically uses the product or converts the best? Give us the avatar of this campaign’s ideal consumer and feel free to get into the nitty gritty here!
Let us know where your client wants their ads to run!
Note: Please note that some platforms are limited in this regard. For example, while Facebook & Instagram can utilize radius targeting, LinkedIn cannot. Our team will reach out if there are any discrepancies. We also cannot accept geo targets in the form of map screenshots or ambiguous locations like “Upstate New York”. Geo-targets must be clearly defined within the IO.
The budget that your agency or client sets will control almost every other aspect of the campaign. Here, your agency will input the desired platform budget.
Note: Please note there is a minimum platform budget of $1,000 for all paid media accounts. For CPM campaigns, the impression minimums are as follows:
OTT (25,000) | Pre-Roll (50,000) | Display (100,000)
Desired Advertising Channel(s)
Let us know the desired channels the client would like to appear on! They can choose however many channels they’d like, provided they hit the per platform spend minimums.
We highly encourage a fluid budget amongst the desired social channels to effectively optimize towards each campaign’s KPAs and provide the best performance possible.
Campaign Dates
We’ll need to know the desired start and end dates of the campaign in advance. If you want to run a campaign indefinitely, we can do so until further notice. This is completely up to your agency or client to decide.
Creative Assets
Creative assets are necessary to run almost any paid media campaign. If these are already uploaded to the ad account of the platform that is onboarding, you can also choose this option and forego uploading them. You may also upload these to Teamwork at a later date, but this will delay the Kickoff Call as it is part of all assets received.
Landing Page
If your client has a desired landing page that we should link to for your marketing campaigns, it can be provided right on the IO. If you prefer, Conduit can also choose the landing page on your behalf. Our analysts will determine one based on client goals.
Approval (Y/N)
If the client would like to approve the ad copy, keywords, etc. just let us know. Please note this will delay the start of the campaign while we wait for approval.
Anything else
The IO form contains a section that asks you to share anything unique or important about your client that we have not covered in other sections. If you think there is something we should pay special attention to when crafting campaign strategies, feel free to add it here!