To run a Meta Ads campaign, Conduit requires access to the following:
Partner access to the Business Manager that owns the ad account
Meta ad account complete with payment/billing info
Pixel (*we do not need separate pixel access if the pixel is connected to the ad account, but if not, please navigate to the Datasets section and provide access)
Creatives (see recs here)
Note: Meta suggests that all clients maintain their own Business Manager and Ad Account. Conduit requires that the Business Manager that owns the ad account partners with our Reporting.Ninja BM to share all assets. The steps for this can be found below. If the client has a proper setup already, feel free to skip to Step 3.
Access Steps
Follow the steps below to provide access to the appropriate ad account, page, and pixel (if necessary). In addition to the account, we will also need creatives (unless already in the ad account), Google Analytics, and GTM.
Step 1. Create a Business Manager (if one does not exist already)
Step 2. Create an Ad Account (if one does note exist already)
Step 3. Go to and navigate to Business Manager if not already there (this may bring you to Business Suite depending on your settings). You can get to Business Manager from Business Suite by clicking Ads Manager in the tools section of Business Suite.
Step 4. Click Business Settings from within Business Manager.
Step 5. Below Users, click Partners.
Step 6. Click + Add.
Step 7. Select Give a partner access to your assets.
Step 8. Enter our Partner Business ID → 355564021884732 and click Next.
Step 9. On this screen, you can add us to multiple assets. Access to the ad account, page, and dataset/pixel can all be done during this step. To do so, choose a type of asset in the first column. Select the assets you need to share in the second column. Assign a role for us in the third column. Repeat these steps until you've chosen roles for all of the assets you want to assign.
Tip: We recommend providing admin access/full control to all assets to avoid any delays.
Step 10. Click Save Changes
Note: If you've already partnered with our Business Manager but forgot to give us access to some components, head to the Business Manager that owns the assets, click 'Partners' under 'Users', find Reporting.Ninja, and click 'Share assets'. Navigate through all asset types still outstanding and provide access.