LinkedIn Access

To run a LinkedIn campaign, Conduit requires access to the following: 

  • Partner access to the Business Manager that owns the ad account

  • LinkedIn ad account complete with payment/billing info

  • Page 

  • Google Analytics (if tracking goals)

  • Google Tag Manager (if tracking goals)

  • Creatives (see recs here)

Note: LinkedIn suggests that all clients maintain their own Business Manager and Ad Account. Conduit requires that the Business Manager that owns the ad account partners with our Reporting.Ninja BM to share all assets. The steps for this can be found below. If your client already has their Business Manager properly set up, they can skip to Step 4

Access Steps

Follow the steps below to provide access to the appropriate LinkedIn ad account and page. In addition to the account, we will also need creatives (unless already in the ad account), Google Analytics, and GTM. 

Step 1. Create a LinkedIn Business Manager (if you do not have one currently) 

*Note: You can claim your ad account within this Business Manager if you have an existing ad account but have not adopted Business Manager. This can be accomplished by creating the BM first, then going to ‘Ad accounts’ on the left side of BM, clicking ‘Add accounts’ on the top right, then clicking ‘Claim ownership’. Type the ad account ID and claim it. 

Step 2. Create a LinkedIn Ad Account (if you do not have one currently).

Step 3. LinkedIn BM, go to Pages on the left-hand side, and add your page if you have not already by clicking the ‘Add Page’ dropdown and ‘Add Page’.

Step 4. Go to Partners, and type in our BM ID 6956232456777695232, then click ‘Add partner’.

Step 5. After partnering, click the arrow and two sections will pop up, share pages and share ad accounts. 

Step 6. Share your page — click page, assign role, page super admin, make sure all boxes have ‘yes’ checked off. 

Step 7. Share ad accounts - click share ad accounts and ensure ‘Campaign manager’ access or above are given. 

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