Google Ads Access

To run a campaign in Google Ads, Conduit requires the following:

For e-commerce campaigns only, the following is also required. If your campaign is not e-commerce focused, you may skip these:

Although not required, we highly recommend also providing access to the following:

  • Google Business Profile

  • Google Search Console

Note: If you do not have an existing account, you'll need to create one first and ensure it has billing & payment information. You may build an empty account and do not need to create a campaign. 

Once you have an existing Google Ads account complete with payment info, you may proceed with the following steps.

Access Steps

Follow the steps below to provide access to the appropriate Google ad account. In addition to the account, we will also need Google Analytics, and GTM.

Step 1:  Log in to your client’s Google Ads account.

Step 2: Select your client’s account, and locate the CID. If your agency has access to multiple accounts, including the clients, you can just search for their ad account and find the 10 digit ID to the right of the ad account name.

Step 3: Send us the CID via Teamwork Message.

Step 4:  We will then request access to link the Account via our Reporting Ninja manager account.

Step 5:  After we’ve confirmed we’ve requested access, you or your client will just need to accept.

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