Analysis example

Below are two different examples of a monthly analysis.

Analysis | Example 1


  • 8 Form Fills (+60.00%) | $211.61 CpKPA (-63.74%) | Goal: $500 CpKPA (-57.78% below Goal)

    • Despite a -41.98% decrease in Spend for the account (due to the decreased February budget), we were able to actually increase Form Fills (8) by +60.00% at a -63.74% better CpKPA ($211.61) that is still -57.78% below the $500 CpKPA Goal

What's Happening

  • With the reduced February budget, we wanted to prioritize cutting any "waste" and doubling-down on best-performers

  • After analyzing our forecasted opportunity with Performance Planner, we gradually lowered Ad Group & Keyword bids by -25% each of the first 2 weeks of the month

  • We also analyzed the past 12 months of search terms data, and identified that most search terms that didn't include some variation of 'company' drove a 3x higher avg CpKPA, so we excluded any of these terms that weren't driving a close-to-average CpKPA

  • Lastly, we analyzed our Landing Page performance to determine that a previous LP drove a +55.12% higher Conversion Rate, so we updated the Ads to drive to that page

Next Steps/Recommendations

  • Test more gradual bid decreases (starting with -10%) to ensure we're still winning quality placements while also reducing CPC and increasing Click volume

  • Draft up new Ad Copy to A/B test with the goal of finding ways to improve our Ad Performance over time

  • Analyze Competitor landing pages to identify any new opportunities for positioning ourselves, as well as identifying structural/design/cta changes we can A/B test

Analysis | Example 2


  • Meta drove a total of 117 signups over the course of January, leading to a $18.92 cost per signup, which was 21.8% lower than the previous month and is 24.32% lower than the goal of $25 cost per sign up.

What's Happening

  • This uptick in performance can mostly be attributed to the introduction of our new lookalike audience, which drove the lowest cost per signup of all audiences at $15.14 after being implemented as a test this past month. Additionally, since implementing this audience on January 15th, the cost per sign up of this campaign has dropped by an additional $3.02 compared to the beginning of the month.

  • In regards to ad performance, we've noticed that videos continue to outperform static images, with a 37% lower CPC and 41% higher CTR over the last 2 months. We recommend continuing to send over videos, particularly those highlighting 'x, y, z', as these have proven to be the top performers.

Next Steps/Recommendations

  • In February, we plan on continuing to shift budget to the lookalike audience until we see a rate of diminishing returns. This has already proved to be a positive step, with 10 signups to kick off the first 2 days of February at a cost per sign up of $13.

  • We'll also be testing a new ad copy of 'x, y, z' to assess engagement and the overall impact on signups.

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